Music Library
Doug has recorded hundreds of tracks for many big music libraries around the world from Sonoton in Germany to 5 Alarm Music in Pasadena CA in almost every kind of style of playing you can think of, from pop to blues to metal to jazz to classical to folk to Hawaiian.
Featured on this page is an exhaustive set of audio files featuring every example of Doug Perkins work. Enjoy! Latest TrackI have been working on a CD of music of very "positive vibe" jazz guitar oriented tracks focused on advertising. This is one of the latest ones with the working title "A Little Bit Of Soul" - it's that sort of jazz boogaloo thing from the mid 60s. My writing partner Steve Goomas did some really spectacular stuff with the melody / chord form skeleton I sent him. This is a great example of what I can do working with people via the internet.
Beatnik Royalty
With Artists
Maia (DP composer/producer)
With Steve Goomas
With Jazan
The Robbins
Christian, Gospel & Christmas |
TV, Film Production, & Bumper Music