Yesterday I met my friend Robbyn Kirmssé at the California Science Center to see the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are there until Sept. 17. I really encourage people to see this, it's astounding that writing on animal skin parchment could survive thousands of years in a cave, but they did, and the fact that they were found right around the re-founding of Israel as a country is not lost on me for significance. What hit me again and again was how small the people must have been back then because of things like the tiny handles on the clay pots - some that I could barely get one finger into - and the tiny tiny writing on the scrolls. My friend said that they found some Roman writings describing a battle with "giants" and the skeletons from it, and the "giants" were 5'7" and the Romans was just about 5 foot even. What really blew me away was the iMax 3D movie that is a tour of Jerusalem, that is what they made the word "Awesome" to describe. Here's a picture that Robbyn took, I am winding up doing LA stuff, including today I am gone in 5 days.